Index (A-Z)
Index (most recent)
and Other Miniatures
by David Taft
In alphabetical order....
…As long – as long as
‘A’ stands before us
"It’s great - they play Sixties music"
are on the vibe!"
“Close the door, sit down”
“Do you like my shoes?”
“Fed up of being poor”
“Hoo-ray, it’s Fri-day,”
“I’m going to be
“Live every day…” I
“Live every day…” II
“Live every day…” III
“Live every day…” IV
“Live every day…” IX
“Live every day…” V
“Live every day…” VI
“Live every day…” VII
“Live every day…” VIII
“Live every day…” X
“Live every day…” XI
“Live every day…” XII
“Live every day…” XIII
“Live every day…” XIV
“Live every day…” XIX
“Live every day…” XV
“Live every day…” XVI
“Live every day…” XVII
“Live every day…” XVIII
“Live every day…” XX
“Many Worlds”
“This is Mudchute”
“You’re kidding me"
(Alternative) Summit Meeting: Opening Address
“Excuse me.”
‘Twixt thought and finger
16:13: this pin-bright
2:20, Queen Square
2:30: a street lamp
20th July 2019
31st December 2020
A band of light appears
A bedbug, I’ve crawled
A Bench on the Esplanade
A borrowed seat
A burst of voices
A butterfly flaps its wings
A cap, an ear
A child’s summer’s day
A circuit round
A cold night
A cold night
A constant balance
A David different
A day bathed in your radiance.
A day so quiet I thought
A day without ambition
A decade’s nothing
A few beaded strings of rain
A few distant fireworks
A fine dust settles
A fringe of russet leaves
A giant teddy
A girl leans out of
A gull
A gull doing recce
A haiku is still a haiku,
A hop, a skip
A level gaze might be enough
A life
A lighted window,
A long afternoon’s
A long night of radio
A man hurrying
A man wheels his luggage
A man who loves
A modern dog
A moment on Highgate Hill
A moment’s lapse
A moth
A pub of strangers
A ringtone breaks the silence
A robin, I hope
A seagull flapping
A shaft of winter sun
A stranger’s passing glance
A student walks
A tap on the shoulder
A thousand times that view
A Tiny Fly
A tiny sun
A tree touched with sunlight
A Tuesday Afternoon in May
A tug doggedly
A vast continent of cloud
A vaults the fence; B baulks
A wheelchair too
A winter’s day
A woman kneeling
A woman’s bare arms
A year on the crack widens
About time
Above the autumn sea
Aching bones after
AD 2150
Adult Lullaby
Advertisement I
Advertisement II
After heavy rain
After The Accident
After the cherry blossom
After the courage to ask her
After the doctor
After The Fire
After the holiday
Aftermath of a Mugging
Afternoon declines
Afternoon: softly
Afterwards you slid it
Again, this window on life
Against a wintry white sky
Ah but how many
Ah, growing older
Ah, one foot
Aiming for the one moment
Airports, bus stops, streets
Alcohol, the only wormhole
Alexander at the Pyramids
All alone, he talks
All being well
All else fails
All hunched on the church steps
All I need is here
All the colours
All the faces I’ve said “no” to
All too human
All you got
Almost a crime
Almost caught the ball
Almost numbly
Almost sorry for
Almost-End-of-Year Haiku
Alone at forty
Alone, an outsider
Alone, I am the keeper
Alone, less than one
Amid the endless
Amid the latest little pain
Among all these
An accusation
An argument: he leaves
An hour now, tiny in prospect
An unclouded moment
And before Time?
And suddenly, again
And that one over there
Angel In The Fields, Marylebone
Anoraks in May
Another child’s turn
Another day
Another day
Another guest room
Another self-contained life
Another View of a Mugging
Any Excuse
Applause ringing
Approaching tube train
April breeze
April Sunday in Green Park
April: your team
Are they still together
Armchair visions
Armchair, November
Arrival: hugs, kisses
Art in negative
As I stood watching the free climbers
As long as your lovely
As the writer picks up her pen
As you head for
Asking the class to
At last a gleam
At seven, no words
At some point
At The Barriers
At the crossroads
At the door, aware
At the end of each day
At the station’s mouth
At the year’s dark end
August Bank Holiday
August Bank Holiday, Central London
August Bank Holiday, Fitzroy Tavern
Autumn afternoon
Autumn gust: seems all that
Autumn wind stirs
Autumn, after sunset
Back and forth swim my floaters
Back in your old room
Baggy T-shirts, back to the bar
Bank Holiday I
Bank Holiday II
Bank Holiday sun
Bank of Friendship, Highbury
Bare wintry branches
Barely alive long enough
Basement of Pret a Manger, Baker Street, February
Bathed in electric light
Battery run out
Beauty: still the eyes
Because you weren't there
Becoming You
Before rain sweeps in again
Before the final descent
Being Young
Beneath this dazzling sun
Bentinck Street W1
Berkeley Square I
Berkeley Square II
Between shifts
Beyond the high fence
Big Bang
Big bang. Smashed window
Big Ben
Big Ben strikes twelve
Billions of different answers
Birds – dart and plunge
Black billowing trees
Blackbird foraging
Blessed state
Bloomsbury Square Gardens, December I
Bloomsbury Square Gardens, December II
Blue skies, trees, duckpond
Bottomless, the place
Boy-girl talk, in a field, at night
Brighton beach, sunset
Brighton beach, sunset
Brighton beach, sunset
Brighton I
Brighton II
Brompton Cemetery I
Brompton Cemetery II
Brompton Cemetery III
Brompton Oratory
Bunch of Grapes, Brompton Road, November
Bus home to Stratford
Busy behind the counter
But for moments
Café, November:
Cameras clicking
Can England ever
Can see the sunset
Capture that moment
Castle Terrace, Bridgnorth, Boxing Day
Cats, misunderstood
Changing Leytonstone
Charlie’s Bar, Margate
Chasing the poem
Chelsea Gardens I
Chelsea Gardens II
Chelsea Gardens III
Christmas lights
Christmas over
City Music
City of light, glint
City Streets
Clear water’s filling
Click! However old you feel
Climbing the winding stair
Close ordinary pub talk
Close to the hour of sleep
Close up, mottled and whorled
Closed doors
Clouded outside
Clouds rise peak upon peak
Cold indoors at last
Cold rain-sodden day
Cold September night
Cold winter night
Cold winter's night
Colour once bloomed through
Come upon suddenly
Coming back from the doctor
Coming back from the doctor
Commuters on the Virgin West Coast Main Line
Construction Works
Cosmos, sometimes
Couldn’t stand
Country Girl, Laos
Couple in earflaps
Couple with baby
Creatures of the pond
Creeping clouds
Crossing Regent Street
Crossing Southwark Bridge
Crossing The Millennium Bridge
Cry of seagulls, and
Cunard Place, EC3, Sunday
Curious passerby
Cursed God so often
Cursing your life
Cutting edge: forever
Dank grey afternoon
Dawn chill... Hug that thought
Day after day
Day after day
Day succeeds day
Days meaning shuts me out
Deals or reminiscence
Death elsewhere on the line
Death on the line
Death Song
Decades ago
Deep winter night
Deepening twilight
Denture removed
Departure board
Diary shows 127-238
Die trying
Dining on the terrace
Dinner with friends
Dipping my net
Dodging cars, yapped at
Don’t carve
Don’t leave
Don’t want to see it back
Downtown parking lot
Dragonfly and I
Drinks both catch the light
Duck pond, midnight
Ducks spreading deltas
Each autumn
Each fun palace
Each generation
Each one that strides
Each step uphill is
Each time you look back
Each year on holiday
Each year that passes
Each year works its magic
Eagle & Child, Oxford I
Eagle & Child, Oxford II
Early December
Early May
Early morning
Early morning heat
Early morning, District Line
Early September
Early winter: trees lose
Earthbound: only a
Eating meat
Eight: skinny-ribbed trembling
Eighteen and a half years
Elusive in the end
Embankment, July
Enervated by
England, October
England, where some days
English Summer Days
Envying his poems
Eternal sadness
Even as the last light winks out
Even in death
Even street preachers,
Even the old man
Even though
Even war has its days
Every night there will
Every spring
Every Sunday
Everything I see
Eyes keep turning from
Face Masks
Face masks
Fading echo of the last bong
Fag ash summer, cold and grey
Fag break: either side
Failed… And suddenly
Fallen amputee
Fallen cherry blossom
Far distant beings
Faraway sun
Farmboys mostly
Fat Woman Revisited
Fat woman waddling
Fear is not the last word?
Feast days are rare
February day
February: the small tree
Feeding morsels
Fetter Lane
Few are the visitors
Fields of frozen mud
Fifty-seventh Christmas Day
Fifty-six times so far,
Filling the kettle each day
Finsbury Circus
First the bars
First the
in the garden
Five girls on a train
Five minutes
Five minutes ago
Five months of
Five o’clock
Five on the next table
Fleeing the past
Flexing my hands
Flight Attendant
Flowers in bloom
Flying: someone’s taken
Flying: taking stubborn pride
Following younger flesh
Following younger flesh
For now at least
For ten minutes
For the three days it roared,
For this dreaming child
For those passing by
Forever waiting
Forming within
Fountain Court
Fountains Abbey, 4th June 2012
Four at the bar
Four o'clock: now
Four o’clock: close the blinds
Four o’clock: not a leaf stirs
Freeze-frame the office
Friday night: how it mattered
Fridge, computer
Friends, Romans, countrymen
From root to tip
From space
From the bright blue shell
From the heat
Frosted glass
Frying bacon, eggs
Garden in August
Garlicky fingers
Gaunt, unshaven
Gazing out of the window
Gentle breeze stirs the blinds
George Peabody
George, 1967
Getting Slightly Drunk
Gingerly, pylons
Girl on a skateboard
Glacial, unearthly
Glancing into legal chambers
Glasses on their cord
Gleaming white car passes one way
Going to bed now
Good memories...
Grainy webcam
Great dome of St. Paul’s
Green Park, Autumn I
Green Park, Autumn II
Green Park, Autumn III
Green shutters dozing
Grey autumn Wednesday
Grey morning after
Gripping your briefcase
Growing old thinking about
Growing older
Had we eternity
Had we eternity
Had we eternity
Had we eternity
Had we eternity
Had we eternity
Had we eternity
Had we eternity
Half past four
Half past one
Half-naked in August
Hand in hand with Daddy
Hanging basket, sunlit
Hanoi’s lake shimmers
Happily married
Happiness is a Cold Beer and a Good Book
Happiness won't hide
Happy are they
Happy to be hacking
Happy to travel
Hardly aware of them
Having a good laugh
Having found their seats
He fears their kindness
He has his photo
He hesitated
He sits facing the dark
He slaps the rolled-up paper
He was who he was
Head down
Heading out, hunched
Headphones on
Hearing a song
Hearing the children playing
Hearing them in the pub
Her emerging breasts
Her mind drifting
Her pale body buds
Her skintight jeans
Her swaying hips
Her young face
Here and there a smile
Here at the window
Here in the Brompton Cross
Here in the heart
Here, hospital drawersful
Here’s a candlelit memorial
Here’s my window on how
High winds
Highbury & Islington Station, Friday Night
Highstepping it off the train
His stabbing finger
His stumbling path is overhung
Hoi An, dusk
Holiday, first day
Holidaying alone
Holland Park, Early Autumn
Home from a trip
Home from a trip
Home from a trip
Home on Leave
I wanted at f
Hospital Room
Hospital Waiting Room
Hospital: even before
Hovering insects
How capture Toulouse?
How did we ever collide?
How far to angelhood?
How generously you applaud
How hungrily
How like friends
How long can you sit
How long do we have
How many millions
How many people
How many times a day
How recover for a moment
How strangely we prize
How thick and furry
How to avoid the hospital
How used you get
How very precisely
How whimsically extravagant
Huayna Picchu
Huddled outside Pret
Hurrying down this street
Hyde Park I
Hyde Park II
Hyde Park III
Hyde Park IV
I am a lens
I am alive
, says the squirrel
I barely occupy this alcove
I can’t do it
I do not know you
I feel coldest where
I know
I know it’s not right
I lost my diary
I never liked you more
I never seek to compare it
I regret so many things
I sail from pub to pub;
I speak and am answered
I spent weeks
I suppose the wasp
I walks, past your closed faces
I yearned for a joy
I, dumb follower
I’ll preserve your lunch
I’m sorry England
I’ve sat here too long
If Only
If this bus-length strip
If this were the cruellest universe
If you like
If your body is
Illness stole
Illusionless I’m staring
Imagine your smartphone
In all the crowd one
In Costa, slightly envying
In here, songs from
In my noon I sweated and swooned;
In my own home
In no time
In one arm a new purchase;
In provincial towns
In ten seconds
In the city
In the darkness of our street
In the end there’s a winner
In The Mirror
In the pub
In the raucous restaurant
In the spaces between
In the spinning seconds
In the sunlight
In the West, the shutters
In This City
In this pub's back room
In this teeming world
In vain I cry
In West One right now
Indoors, just before bedtime
Indulge me tonight
Inside Dream #649
Is it playing with death
Is this how it worked?
It can take years
It makes no difference
It marks a divide
It rained earlier
It was as we passed
It was spring
It was the afternoon
It's hard won, comfort
It’s just a pigeon
It’s not always the shrines,
It’s always the older person
It’s nearly three a.m
It’s the ritual
It’s when the street lights
Itsu (Health & Happiness), The Square Mile, Sunday
J.W. Lennon's, Brighton
Japanese courtesy
Jebel Sahro, Morocco I
Jebel Sahro, Morocco II
Jebel Sahro, Morocco III
Jebel Sahro, Morocco IV
Jebel Sahro, Morocco V
Just by quietly
Just enough light
Just glad not to be
Just going about our business
Just sitting here is enough!
Just the endless
Just then, even now
Just Where I Sit
Kamikochi, Early Evening
Kensington Gardens, May I
Kensington Gardens, May II
Knowing every mark on the wall
La Closerie des Lilas
Lads with skateboards
Laid out those trousers
Last night’s plates unscraped
Last year - illness
Last year’s poster
Late at night
Late August
Late August: you think
Late night
Late night
Late night cocoa and
Late night silence
Late September
Late September
Late summer
Late summer
Late summer night
Leafless tree
Leamington station,
Learning, finally
Leatherbound, copperplate script
Left the seat warm
Legionaries, guildsmen, clerks –
Less sting, more
Lest we forget,
Let it go
Let nothing befall
Let the silence bless the room
Life As Sport
Life changes… Forgotten
Life goes on; so that once
Life still insists
Life’s never better
Lifeless day, viewed behind glass
Light after light down this tunnel
Like my mind, the clouds
Lincoln’s Inn Fields I
Lincoln’s Inn Fields II
Lit up
Lizard's universe
London bus, top deck
London is filled
London lives seem at home
London’s teeming streets
Look - flowers
Look once at a stone
Look up from hurtling traffic
Look-no-hands cyclist
Looking back
Looking up to see
Losing the Bank Holiday crowds
Lost in her thoughts
Lost in their own thoughts...
Lunch Party
Lurching down the aisle
Lying in bed
Madeira, Easter Sunday I
Madeira, Easter Sunday II
Madeira, Nightfall
Madeira, Stormy Tuesday I
Madeira, Stormy Tuesday II
Madness – seeing the advert
Make the most of
Make the most of the view
Making the rounds of the years
Man found hanged today
Man in a blue shirt
Man walking, on his phone
Man with Parkinson’s
Map lies forgotten
March is border country
March: skeletal trees
Marching protesters
Margate, October
Maximilian Hotel, Prague
Measuring the drop,
Memory these days
Merest corridor
Mid-afternoon two women
Midday in the Jebel Sahro
Midsummer evening
Migrating clouds
Millions of us
Mind befouled
Modern pubs: no smoke
Months of Covid confinement
More new names in old places
More than relieved
Moth fluttering next to
Moth seems - not dead
Moth’s mini-movie
Move to the coast
Mulled wine’s nice
My books
My eyes hadn’t even
My King, My Country?
My London
My mind is spotted
My old pencil case
My weight has tested
Never lost his hunger
with novelty
New Year 2019
New Year’s Day
New Year’s Day
Newly arrived
Next year, on summer evenings
Night in the city
Night in the city
Night silence
Nineteen thousand tomorrows
No afternoon
No bird ever
No brain sits so deep
No choice
No earned gravitas
No family of his own
No last rites
No matter what
No matter what
No world beyond these
No-one loitering now
No-one looks down here
Nong Khiaw I
Nong Khiaw II
Nong Khiaw III
North Greenwich Arena, August 2012
Not enough hair
Nothing bluer than
Nothing deader
Nothing fills the world
Nothing in its
Nothing keeps me company
Nothing left but peel
Nothing more
Nothing more demanded
Nothing more derelict
Nothing on earth
Nothing to say
Nothing wrong with
November afternoon
November already
November fog
November leaves
November: the cat’s cry
Now each memory of you
October finally
October wind
October: two woodpigeons
October: we might think
Of all places
Of all the songs in the world
Of all the worlds
Offering up my eyes
Office joker
Oh for a mind
Oh modest, moderate Earth!
Oh no it’s not cricket
Oh the sky’s changing
Oh to be a bird
Okay, just let me
Old couple, hand in hand;
Old derelict house
Old photographs
Old School
Old women catching
On a dull day, waiting
On a grey day
On Christmas Eve
On The Road to Hanoi
On these bright blue days
On we go, body
Once more
Once or twice
Once, I laid cities low
One - two - three - four - five
One day
One more night
One more night
One more night
One more night
One more night
One more night
One more night
One more night
One more night
One more night
One more night alone
One thing leads to another
One winter robin
Only fleeting, only once
Open the window a crack
Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian
Our ears aren’t made
Our life: a fleeting admission
Our window on eternity
Out on the veldt
Outside the station
Outside: Paris thrums
Over the hump
Over there the sun's metal cools
Overhead the clouds
Owner and half the lead
Oxford: squirrel disappearing
Oxford… Early evening sun
Pacing the streets
Pacing through the hothouse
Pain returning
Pale wastes of sky
Parents being led
Parents with Small Boy, Christmas
Passing a crowd of
Passing at night
Passing at night
Passing by, almost a ghost
Passing teenagers
Passing the pub
Patience is a long gut
Penalty Shootout
People come and go
People have spilled out
People in taxis
People on a Train
People scurry about the streets
People you see
Phoenician trader
Pigeon - your subtle
Pining for the old streets
Planes – it’s as if
Please let me
Pod-job over with
Pole to pole
Posing boldly
Praise-word “fantastic”
Preachers’ Corner
Precious - the glint
Prepping for RT
Press a button
Primrose Hill I
Primrose Hill II
Primrose Hill III
Primrose Hill IV
Proud of his song
Pub laughter
Pub Mystique
Pub-snug now, there
a time
Pub, half past two
Pub, two o’clock: outlasted
Pubs in late autumn
Pulling back the duvet
Quantum spirit
Quarter to five: the action’s
Queuing at VRE Reception, Moorfields
Quietly dropping clothes
Quietly enjoyed
Radio silence
Rain densely stipples the canal
Raindrops sparkling in the hedge
Random steps may begin
Random stranger
Randomly met by the railing
Reaching reluctantly for the off button
Reading haiku
Reading her old letters
Ready to cross
Recovering From A Prostatectomy
Red tractor
Regardless of who’s gone before
Regent’s Park I
Regent’s Park II
Regent’s Park III
Regent’s Park IV
Remember a time
Rerum Cognoscere Causas
Restless days on land
Restless eyes - all those
Rewind the years
Rhythm, beat a track
Rickety sticks
Robin alights, as
Robin on a branch
Root and branch
Rosy from the onsen bath,
Running hopelessly late
Running in September
Running late for work
Running out of reasons
Rush Hour
Rush-hour Shinjuku
Same breeze blowing cold
Sapiens, you flicker
Saxophone plays
Saying goodbye to you
Scaffolding rises
Scar tissue
Schoolboy slowly
Schoolboy with his
Screams: they run: we run
Scrubbing my dinner plate
Seconds counting down
Seeing each other again
Seeking more light
Seen from inside
September: the very word
She expertly
She held back the forgiving word
She stepped inside her
She walks quickly
She’ll take in young men
Shell Grotto, Margate
Shiatsu Massage
Shopping Mall Blues
Shoulders slightly hunched
Shouldn’t have to ask why
Shrugging off
Sidestepping the dead pigeon
Sit here too long
Sitting here day after day
Sitting here oblivious
Sitting on the toilet
Sitting right here, right now
Sixteen - the sleepy afternoons
Sky News
Sleep – a clean operation
Slipping down the aisle
Slow up too much
Slowly, so slowly
Slowtime, Cygnus A
Small Businesses: Funchal
Smoking area
Snow-capped mountains
Snowfall in London
the pen and notebook
So many football matches
So many nights
So quiet tonight
So slowly
So used to people
So white, so innocent
Solitary fly in autumn
Solitary man
Solitary men
Solitary steps
Some day you’ll look back on this
Something about her
Sometimes in the silence
Sometimes it’s enough
Sometimes, just to be
Somewhere out there
Southwark Bridge
Space is deep
Special Birthday
Speeding Train
Spending The Night in a New Home
Spider still hangs
Splayed on the window
Spray flies high over the rail –
Spring clouds
Spring comes
St. James’s Park
St. Luke’s, Chelsea, January
St. Paul's
Star size comparisons
Staring at this
Staring emptily through
Step into the stream
Stephen Hawking
Stepping across the threshold
Stepping inside cask aged pubs
Stiff haltered beauty
Still awake at four
Still just about humanscale
Still pristine
Still scribbling? –
Still that frisson - how
Still the fly buzzes
Still, it was a shock
Straightening your tie in the washroom
Strange craft crossing the water…
Strange cries, attached to nothing
Strange relief
Stratford station, 11.30 p.m. I
Stratford station, 11.30 p.m. II
Stratford, 1 a.m.
Street fills with the flap
Street Hawkers, India
Streetcorner: fished out
Streetlamps, neon signs
Stripped of their gold
Stumbling from my tent
Succulence of a steak
Such a little thing sometimes
Such beauty wasn't meant to be
Sudden dragonfly
Suddenly a magpie
Suddenly alone
Suddenly pulled back
Suddenly you were left
Suddenly, a rogue thought
Summer day
Summer drought
Summer rain
Summer's day
Summer's over
Summertime: we're worms
Sun in cloud
Sun in cloud
Sun re-emerges
Sun rises, sun sets
Sunday clouds becalmed
Sunfeathered Sundays
Sunlight Through The Blinds
Sunlit Green Park thought
Sunlit, unhurried
Sunset clouds
Sunset on Brighton beach
Sunset’s already fading
Sunshine and hailstones
Surprised, on a grey afternoon
Surrender to her
Surrounded in a pub
SW1: suddenly
Sweet relief for the tongue-tied
Syrian Desert, April 2023
T-shirt and shorts
Tails neatly curled
Taj Mahal
Takes a while
Takes some defiance
Talbot Square, W2 I
Talbot Square, W2 II
Talbot Square, W2 III
Talk’s like a river
Tang of adventure
Tattoo’d they sprawl
Tattoo’d bar girl
Taxi Stopped in Traffic
Taxi through the dark
Tearing open the envelope
Tell me kings don’t lose
Ten homes in thirty years
Ten past eight, Leytonstone High Road,
Thankful for any sign of life
Thankfully, this breeze
That bowed head going past
That dizzying, plunging
That endless bank
That gnarled tree
That is their world, and that
That man whose words
That man’s trajectory
That table is empty now
The Archway Tavern, 2023
The Astronomer, Middlesex Street
The Bayswater Arms, Mid-Afternoon
The belated Christmas card
The Betsey Trotwood, Clerkenwell
The Blind Beggar I
The Blind Beggar II
The breeze
The bronzed giants gone
The camera picks out
The cat will drag out
The ceaseless backdrop
The ceiling fans whirl...
The churning sea
The city stuffed with
The clean white cutting edge
The clock has crept round
The cloud pinked enough
The clouds
The colour of dirt
The cynical sophisticate in us
The day after, the sand
The dead moth
The dinner party set
The dog died so soon
The Dolphin Inn, Hastings I
The Dolphin Inn, Hastings II
The eagle shares
The electric fan
The face mask’s
The faintest shade of blue
The faintly dispiriting
The fast fading sound
The fence post is not so thin
The first hands to clap
The first snowflakes
The fledgling that flapped
The fleeting familiarity
The football season
The football season
The forever I took
The four that were here
The freedom now
The fresh smell
The future you’re running into
The Garden in May
The General
The Golden Age of the Middle Shelf...
The hand I was dealt?
The Hoop and Grapes (1593)
The Hope, Smithfield
The hot, steep-sided
The house of childhood
The hum of the fridge
The invincible
The Iron Duke I
The Iron Duke II
The Iron Duke III
The Iron Duke IV
The Larrik, Crawford Place, W1
The last commandment
The last hundred pages
The last lights go out
The last thing
The Last Tube
The last visitor gone
The leaves in the foreground
The lights of Canary Wharf
The Lord Clyde, Mid-Afternoon
The lovemaking
The Marlborough Arms, 2.20 p.m.
The masked family
The meals we had
The mist’s half-hearted
The modern office, so impatient
The moon
The moonlight
The music on the radio
The nightwatchman on his rounds
The Office
The office door
The Old Bell Tavern, Fleet Street
The old champion
The Old Thatch Tavern, Stratford-upon-Avon
The old woman drops coins
The old year on its death-bed;
The Olympic Park, Stratford
The orchid in bloom
The ordinary strength to
The outlet pipe
The Pig & Whistle, Liverpool
The Princess Louise, Holborn I
The Princess Louise, Holborn II
The pub at lunchtime
The Punch Tavern
The Regular
The resting fly
The results are in
The road ends here
The scuttling mouse
The sea glitters with
The sea never tires
The sea. Or there’d be
The seats
The Serf
The Shakespeare’s Head, Holborn
The sheen fades by degrees
The Ship, Wardour Street I
The Ship, Wardour Street II
The Ship, Wardour Street III
The simple freedom
The skylark
The slow evening
The smooth young arms
The sound of an empty can
The spirit of November,
The spirit of this place
The Square Mile on a Sunday I
The Square Mile on a Sunday II
The Square Mile on a Sunday III
The strangest privilege, life
The street empty of people
The streets seem emptier
The sun shines
The sunset is old
The talk’s of facing fears
The tang of my sweat
The tattered flags
The tatty old bear
The teeming billions move through me
The thin clouds
The tide recedes
The time I could have saved
The town square clock chimes
The Traditional Pub
The traffic outside
The train curves
The treatises, speculations
The tree has come into its fullness;
The tree’s protection is not
The universe
The upright swans rule
The very thought
The view may be
The waitress knows
The Wargrave Arms I
The Wargrave Arms II
The waves’ night music
The way old people
The White Lion, Bridgnorth
The wind drops
The Windsor Castle I
The Windsor Castle II
The Windsor Castle III
The Windsor Castle IV
The words – all I had
The wretchedest have exchanged
The youth must learn
There are those, sitting alone
There comes a point
There is always one
There just
journeys when
There, all in white
These bookshelves were full
These clouds
These days replica kit
These ghosts
These milky days
These poor sunless days
These precious
These salt and pepper mills
These strange moonlight rides
These tiny leaves
They can’t lighten or
They put electrodes in your brain
Things just randomly left
Think: the window view
Thirty thousand feet
This café abuzz:
This is it, land's end
This is my holiday
This moment frozen white
This moment too
This New Year
This old shuttered house
This peaceful quiet
This poem
This precious hour
This pub’s encrusted
This rain looks nothing
This song soon becomes
This window’s a stage
This year insists
Those days at home
Those gnarled old hands
Those journeys spent
Those out walking know
Those thousands of days
Those untrodden paths
Those? They’re just
Though the view
Three days from Christmas
Three Young Mothers
Thrice blessed the curtains
Through births, marriages
Through each receding doorway
Through frosted glass
Through the pub entrance
Through the train window
Through the window
Through the window, lifeless grey
Till you painted over it
Time’s inexhaustible spectrum
Times without number
Tiny darting birds
Tiny waystation
To be alone
To be not lustful
To be that man in
To carry that memory
To Disappear
To do what?
To enter
To find your way randomly
To go deeper in
To have at least
To just sit and watch
To learn to love
To leave work tonight
To let go of life lightly
To live another day
To look at me
To look back on a time
To love the ancients
To milk that much laughter
To rise early
To see the same faces
To sit somewhere
To speak a language
To start a diary
To stay your hand
To you
Today - diggers, drills
Today I have almost no words
Today is business grey
Today life outruns my words
Today the sky looks
Today, bright sun
Today, expensively remote
Today’s pain will die
Tonight, glasses misted
Tonight, happy to be closed in
Tourists, sometimes
Trafalgar Square, October Evening I
Trafalgar Square, October Evening II
Traffic Roundabout, Jaipur
Train Journey
Train Travel in Heavy Rain
Train travel in May
Transparent, bloated
Trapped beneath the dog’s
Traveller: cold rain dripping
Travelodge, Monday night
Trouble and pain
Trying to be content
Trying to breathe in face masks:
Tuol Sleng (S-21)
Turning away from holiday adverts
TV extinguished
Twirls her pen
Two Foreign Lovers
Two Girls on a Train
Two Italians talking
Two little girls
Two men sitting on a harbour wall
Two men waiting
Two middle-aged tourists
Two piles
Two taxis and a plane
Two young oriental women
Two young people
Under heavy skies
Under Miyaji’s
Under-age drinking
Unsure of my next move
Up on the big screen
Urban Study
Utter stillness
UY Scuti
Vast ancient cedar
Victoria, late August
Villa Langka, Phnom Penh
Vista I
Vista II
Voices raised, doors slam
Voyager (Reprise)
Voyager I
Voyager II
Voyager III
Voyager IV
Wait long enough and
Waiting for a Train
Waiting for the results
Waking up in hospital
Walk slowly through the city
Walking back to my lodging
Walking fast, phone pressed
Walking Home
Walking in Crowds by the Serpentine
Walking under a bridge;
Wanting less money
War is distant
Watching ants at work
Waterlow Park, Highgate, June
Watery sunlight
Wave after breaking wave
We are not machines
We three, a wine bar
Wedding Photograph
Weddings: where they all gather
Well there’s that in me denies
Well-knit, with
Wetherspoon’s I
Wetherspoon’s II
Wetherspoon’s III
What can you do
What is it
What is it drives me
What is lifestyle
What is now a haloed image
What should remain from yesterday
What silent passion’s
What well keeps
What's stuck fast in me
What’s love?
What’s truer
Whatever smashed
Wheel me down
Wheeling my luggage
When all lies frozen
When I was three
When in sixty years
When my house goes dark
When the hour strikes
When the oncologist said
When you’re low
Where now the ticking time
Where’s the light of your smiles now?
While there's birdsong
While we were prattling
Why did they
Why just now at the
Why linger here? Well
Will she still
Will they recall
Wind blows away all
Wind gets up
Wind-blown, and not content
Windy day: overtaken
Windy old day
Winter afternoon
Winter afternoon
Winter afternoon
Winter afternoon
Winter afternoon
Winter day: knowing the sun
Winter dusk
Winter dusk
Winter fog
Winter night
Winter poem
Winter solstice
Winter stands on ceremony
Winter storm
Winter storm
Winter sun
Winter thaw: the trees
Winter tree
Winter trees:
Winter’s prickly trees
With each step you take
With patient plodding steps
Within his dark madness cloud
Without distress, the fly rests
Without their phones
Woman in a Red Coat
Women you barely glance at now
Woodpigeon flies out of
Woodpigeons in February
Word To An Alien
Words heard the first time
Work to be done
Work, family, work
World shrinks round a dying thing
Worldly pub talk
Worshippers bound for the mosque
Year grows older
Yesterday the doctor
Yet another night
You can cut a swathe
You can’t do or be
You can’t walk out on this
You gave the order
You often have only seconds
You passed so quickly
You probably won't know
You ran away
You say the best
You say you’re moving on
You walked in my shoes
You want to cut your wrists
You who threw bombs
You'll recall the shape
You’re never too old
Young Bar Worker
Young men in the pub
Young Tokyo women,
Your job is to wear clothes
Your life keeps accepting
Your other life waits
Your swarming roads
Youth has the temerity
Zipping the bag